Shimmer Beauty Care in Kimberley – New Online Store Website done by Glixie Media

Site audit checklist
Based on the provided search results, here is a comprehensive site audit checklist:
Domain Factors
Page-Level Factors
Content Factors
Technical SEO Factors
Link Profile Audit
On-Site Technical SEO Factors
Additional Tips
By following this comprehensive site audit checklist, you’ll be able to identify and address various technical, content, and link-related issues, ultimately improving your website’s SEO and search engine rankings.
My Site Audit Checklist explaining the following steps I will analyze this service is requested.
Robots.txt Explanation:
A search engine bot views the Robot.txt file before crawling a site. It gives directives on how to crawl (or not crawl) the website. For one, it contains instructions about folders or pages to omit and other critical instructions. As a good practice, it should also link to the XML sitemap so the bot can find a list of the most important URLs.
XML sitemap Explanation:
Live list of all the pages on the sites; best practice for Google to maintain a record of pages on the site.
HTTPS Explanation:
For “secure” sites, Google Chrome shows if a site is “secure” or “https” with green lettering a lock image in the address bar.
Mobile Friendly Explanation:
More than 50% of searches come from mobile and Google takes how the website looks on mobile into consideration.
Page Speed Explanation:
Google has found searchers prefer fast websites. Page speed improvements can lead directly to improved visibility on Google.
SEO Tag Health Check Explanation:
A series of “tags” should appear in the section of the website so that Google can properly “index” the website. These include: title, description, canonical, robots.
Crawling Explanation:
Google crawls the web with bots, executing links. It’s important to code the site in a way to make the content accessible. Overuse of JavaScript, broke links, or requiring user action to reveal content are some of the ways that disrupt crawling.
Rendering Explanation:
How Google displays the content on the site.
Indexing Explanation:
Once Google crawls and discovers pages it stores them in its index.
On-Page Optimization Explanation:
The extent that the site utilizes keywords in key on-page areas, like meta and header tags, and content. Keyword research is a prerequisite to this step so you know what you’re targeting.
Relevance Explanation:
Supporting content on category pages help searchers learn more about the product and help choose the best available product for their needs. Consider the user experience of the person coming in from the targeted keywords. Explanation:
Code that gives semantic meaning to the content, e.g. a telephone number, or a “product.” In certain instances Google uses this code to enrich a search listing with Star ratings, event info, etc.
Faceted Navigation Explanation:
For catalog sites, how filter/sort functions are presented.
Accessibility Explanation:
Alt images, text not images, progressive enhancement principles.
Authority Content Explanation:
Content that helps build authority on the topic. Targeted “how to” “best” or “tips” content. Attract searchers during all phases of the “customer journey.”
For catalog sites, how filter/sort functions are presented.
Accessibility Explanation:
Alt images, text not images, progressive enhancement principles.
Authority Content Explanation:
Content that helps build authority on the topic. Targeted “how to” “best” or “tips” content. Attract searchers during all phases of the “customer journey.”
“I want to own my website” Sooner or later, every web design company needs to address this request. Simple as it sounds, it really is complicated. A website is built with many assembled parts and you may be surprised to learn who legally owns each part.
The following website terminology is a guide of what you really own and what you’re really just leasing.
Web Server – You Don’t Typically Own This
The computer running the Web Server Platform that hosts your website.
Web Server Platform – You Don’t Own This
This is the system software running on the server. Common examples include LAMP (Linux Apache MySql PHP), Windows IIS + ASP.NET, and Microsoft SQL Server.
Content Management System (CMS) – You Don’t Own This
A Web Application that is used to manage the administration of content for your website. Examples include WordPress, Drupal, and Shopify.
Database Software – You Don’t Own This
Common examples include MySql, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access.
Source Code (other custom programming) – You Don’t Typically Own This
The programmed code created in the language of the Web Server Platform that contains the logic and connectors to other software running on the server. Source code may also communicate with outside integrated system servers. The source code will generate the HTML/CSS/Javascript for the browser to render to your screen.
HTML/CSS/Javascript – You Should Own This
HTML and CSS are the building blocks of almost all websites. It is a language that browsers understand. The Javascript is programming that may alter the HTML and CSS as one interacts with the website.
Visual Design – You Should Own This
The combination of layout and presentable graphical assets like colors, photography and typography to create the user interface, images and videos, and readable content of the website. The HTML/CSS/Javascript will contain the information to display these assets so the browser can render the website on your screen.
Text Content – You Own This
The formatted, readable, search engine indexable, copy and pastable website text that is rendered in the browser.
Photography – You Own This… If You Took The Pictures
The entire or part of a digitized photograph used on a website as either part of the logo, user interface, slideshow, gallery, video or other visual design asset.
Browser – You Don’t Own This
A browser is the computer software we use to look at websites. Examples are Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Opera. A browser will display the rendered website which includes the HTML/CSS/Javascript and all visual design assets.
Domain Name – You Don’t Own This Either. Surprised?
The Domain Name appears in the address bar of the browser. It is the humanly memorable, identifiable part of the website URL that is indexed by search engines, displayed in most marketing, and remembered as part of the brand.
The Legal Reality of Owning a Website
Own Your Website “Finished Assembled Work”
The website terminology that matters most is the “finished assembled work.” I define this as the HTML/CSS/Javascript, visual design, and the text content that is rendered by the Browser. The entirety of finished assembled work can be saved and stored by you, and can be rebuilt with any website platform. Look for contractual terms defining “finished assembled work” and stating you own the website “finished assembled work” upon completion and final payment of the project.
Article via: Barrett Lombardo, Co-Founder / Chief Operating Officer of Orbit Media Studios
Barrett Lombardo is the Co-Founder and COO at Orbit Media Studios. Barrett has been developing websites since 1995.
Wondering how Google decides which reviews show up first in search results? Here’s a breakdown of the factors that determine “most relevant.”
Google does not show reviews based on chronological order but by “Most Relevant.” This is called dynamic review, as it is based on specific criteria. So, what criteria are used by Google to decide if a review is more relevant?
Top Factors
Word count significantly impacts how relevant Google considers the review. Generally, the longer the review, the more relevant.
When a customer uses the business’s name in the review, it can increase the relevancy of the review.
Customers who tell their story or example with the product or service rank higher for relevancy than generic text.
Customers who have done reviews in the local area in the past are more relevant than customers with no review history or customers who reside in a different location than the business.
The more time that goes by, the less relevant the review.
Top Nonfactors
Unless the review becomes viral, the likes it receives will not impact the relevancy.
Responses from Owners
Even though it is considered good business, owners responding to reviews do not impact the relevancy of reviews.
Negative Reviews
Google does not rank negative reviews higher than positive reviews. They both rank on the criteria listed above.
Nathan Maas –
Google’s automated ranking systems are designed to present helpful, reliable information that’s primarily created to benefit people, not to gain search engine rankings, in the top Search results. This page is designed to help creators evaluate if they’re producing such content.
Self-assess your content
Evaluating your own content against these questions can help you gauge if the content you’re making is helpful and reliable. Beyond asking yourself these questions, consider having others you trust but who are unaffiliated with your site provide an honest assessment.
Also consider an audit of the drops you may have experienced. What pages were most impacted and for what types of searches? Look closely at these to understand how they’re assessed against some of the questions outlined here.
Content and quality questions
Expertise questions
Provide a great page experience
Google’s core ranking systems look to reward content that provides a good page experience. Site owners seeking to be successful with our systems should not focus on only one or two aspects of page experience. Instead, check if you’re providing an overall great page experience across many aspects. For more advice, see our page, Understanding page experience in Google Search results.
Focus on people-first content
People-first content means content that’s created primarily for people, and not to manipulate search engine rankings. How can you evaluate if you’re creating people-first content? Answering yes to the questions below means you’re probably on the right track with a people-first approach:
Avoid creating search engine-first content
We recommend that you focus on creating people-first content to be successful with Google Search, rather than search engine-first content made primarily to gain search engine rankings. Answering yes to some or all of the questions below is a warning sign that you should reevaluate how you’re creating content:
What about SEO? Isn’t that search engine-first?
There are some things you could do that are specifically meant to help search engines better discover and understand your content. Collectively, this is called “search engine optimization” or SEO, for short. Google’s own SEO guide covers best practices to consider. SEO can be a helpful activity when it is applied to people-first content, rather than search engine-first content.
Get to know E-E-A-T and the quality rater guidelines
Google’s automated systems are designed to use many different factors to rank great content. After identifying relevant content, our systems aim to prioritize those that seem most helpful. To do this, they identify a mix of factors that can help determine which content demonstrates aspects of experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, or what we call E-E-A-T.
Of these aspects, trust is most important. The others contribute to trust, but content doesn’t necessarily have to demonstrate all of them. For example, some content might be helpful based on the experience it demonstrates, while other content might be helpful because of the expertise it shares.
While E-E-A-T itself isn’t a specific ranking factor, using a mix of factors that can identify content with good E-E-A-T is useful. For example, our systems give even more weight to content that aligns with strong E-E-A-T for topics that could significantly impact the health, financial stability, or safety of people, or the welfare or well-being of society. We call these “Your Money or Your Life” topics, or YMYL for short.
Search quality raters are people who give us insights on if our algorithms seem to be providing good results, a way to help confirm our changes are working well. In particular, raters are trained to understand if content has strong E-E-A-T. The criteria they use to do this is outlined in our search quality rater guidelines.
Search raters have no control over how pages rank. Rater data is not used directly in our ranking algorithms. Rather, we use them as a restaurant might get feedback cards from diners. The feedback helps us know if our systems seem to be working.
Reading the guidelines may help you self-assess how your content is doing from an E-E-A-T perspective, improvements to consider, and help align it conceptually with the different signals that our automated systems use to rank content.
Ask “Who, How, and Why” about your content
Consider evaluating your content in terms of “Who, How, and Why” as a way to stay on course with what our systems seek to reward.
Who (created the content)
Something that helps people intuitively understand the E-E-A-T of content is when it’s clear who created it. That’s the “Who” to consider. When creating content, here are some who-related questions to ask yourself:
If you’re clearly indicating who created the content, you’re likely aligned with the concepts of E-E-A-T and on a path to success. We strongly encourage adding accurate authorship information, such as bylines to content where readers might expect it.
How (the content was created)
It’s helpful to readers to know how a piece of content was produced: this is the “How” to consider including in your content.
For example, with product reviews, it can build trust with readers when they understand the number of products that were tested, what the test results were, and how the tests were conducted, all accompanied by evidence of the work involved, such as photographs. It’s advice we share more about in our Write high quality product reviews help page.
Many types of content may have a “How” component to them. That can include automated, AI-generated, and AI-assisted content. Sharing details about the processes involved can help readers and visitors better understand any unique and useful role automation may have served.
If automation is used to substantially generate content, here are some questions to ask yourself:
Overall, AI or automation disclosures are useful for content where someone might think “How was this created?” Consider adding these when it would be reasonably expected. For more, see our blog post and FAQ: How Google Search views AI-generated content.
Why (was the content created)
“Why” is perhaps the most important question to answer about your content. Why is it being created in the first place?
The “why” should be that you’re creating content primarily to help people, content that is useful to visitors if they come to your site directly. If you’re doing this, you’re aligning with E-E-A-T generally and what our core ranking systems seek to reward.
If the “why” is that you’re primarily making content to attract search engine visits, that’s not aligned with what our systems seek to reward. If you use automation, including AI-generation, to produce content for the primary purpose of manipulating search rankings, that’s a violation of our spam policies.
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