Important Notice from IntelliHost: Stay vigilant Against Phishing Scams – 07.08.2024
We want to remind you of the importance of staying vigilant and avoid falling victim to phishing scams. Phishing scams typically trick you into clicking on a link or attachment that either infects your machine with malware or directs you to a fraudulent page designed to steal your confidential account information.  It is of utmost importance that you never enter your username and password through unsafe or suspicious links, or complete your details on an unknown attachment received. We will never send you an email asking you to click on a link in order to resolve any issues, or to complete your username or password.
 Please remember:   Â
Any email from us will always end with Â Â Â Our website URL will always be
Here are some hints to help you identify phishing attempts: Avoid unfamiliar URLs Check for poor spelling and grammar Double Check inconsistent contact information Hover over links that you’re unsure about before clicking them. Do they lead to the website they’re supposed to?
If the message doesn’t look or sound like it’s from someone you know or from Intellihost, don’t action it  When in doubt, forward suspicious emails to our support team instead of clicking potentially dangerous links. We will verify and handle these emails as spam if necessary.
Stay safe and vigilant.
Best regards,
Your Intelli Team